Alle responds to: “A query letter’s opening sentence: Your recommendations?”My probably-unpopular opinion.Feb 181Feb 181
Kindle, paperback, or hardcover link on Amazon, Goodreads, and personal site?Critical marketing questions answered by your gal, AlleFeb 7Feb 7
Teaser! “How much should a professional editor charge?”And … “How many beta readers should I use?”Feb 3Feb 3
Alle responds to: “What should a developmental editor help you with?”And how long should the revision process take?Feb 1Feb 1
Could you ever forgive the person who violently assaulted you?Alle offers: Wait to worry about it until they ask.Jan 27Jan 27
Alle answers the question: “Five agents have my manuscript. Now, a small press wants it!”Does one immediately contact the agents and share this precious info?Jan 24Jan 24
A reader asks: How many different locations can a story handle?Alle takes a stab in answering to her weakest skill: structure.Jan 19Jan 19
Alle on a Podcast from South Africa.“Expect the MIracle with author and trauma survivor Alle. C. Hall.”Jan 14Jan 14