Alle fails at “Hot Mess”

Alle C. Hall
Aug 2, 2024


Relax. It’s “The Moth.”

Last night, I lost at my first attempt at a Moth StorySLAM. The theme: “Hot Mess.”

The scoreboard pictured lists me second — reflecting that my name was pulled from the hat to perform second; not that I placed second.

My husband — more of a numbers guy than I am — pointed out that two judges ranked me third. A careful analysis of referenced scoreboard might indeed reveal that I remember accurately his assessment. He might have said, “Three judges ranked you second,” or something else entirely. I’ve been writing all night, inspired by The Moth’s September theme: “Lost.”

Failure motivates me.



Alle C. Hall

Author, teacher, speaker. Novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back: 11 honors, incldng Nancy Pearl Book Award finalist & two #1 Kindle spots.