Alle shares her Perfect, Six-Graph Agent Query Letter
Worksheet available! Plus a sample query letter.
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A. Paragraph 1: Greeting
1. Agent’s Full Name
2. Title (if necessary)
3. Do not use Ms/Mr/Mx/etc, unless you are certain of gender identity.
B. Paragraph 2: Introduction
1. (So-and-so famous writer and/or client and/or friend of yours) suggested that I contact you. Or:
2. When last we communicated, you kindly asked to see more work. (Or use their exact words.) Or:
3. When I read (author’s name) (book name, in italics), I knew I had to submit to you because (one-sentence reason);
4. After whichever of the above works for you, add:
a. Thus, today I am sending (word-length)-(genre), (title in italics) (one clause description):
i. “a female Breaking Bad meets Bangkok 8;”
ii. “What would ensue if Toni Morrison wrote Jaws.”
b. Do not use a question. Use a statement.
C. Paragraph 3: Alle’s Perfect 4–6-Sentence Synopsis
1. Protagonist and initial situation, motivation, and conflict;
2. Antagonist and conflicting motivation;
3. Turning point –The Hook;
a. Appx 1/3 of the way through the book;
b. Start sentence with:
i. Because of her (idea)
ii. Due to her (skill)
iii. Encountering (event, place, or person)
4. Protagonist’s aspiration:
a. Use sweeping sentence starting with:
i. Decides to
ii. Embarks on
iii. Cannot resist
iv. Despite all
b. Do not use a question. Make it a statement.
D. Paragraph 4: (Optional; or use this info in bio below signature)
- Choose one:
a. interviewed (notable writer);
b. published (name of piece in quotation marks) in (name of magazine or journal in italics)
- My full bio is below.
2. DO NOT BRING UP YOUR CAT. They all say that, at panels: NO CATS.
E. Paragraph 5: Sign-off
1. Thank you for your time,
2. Your name.
F. Paragraph 6: Your Bio.
1. The bio should be written in 3rd person.
2. Make it a paragraph, not bullet-points.
3. List your most prestigious publications and awards first; UNLESS your degree or profession is the more relevant
a. “ … is the senior nonfiction editor of …”
b. “ … graduated with MFA from … “
4. Don’t feel you have to list all pubs. Three gives a sense of what you have accomplished.
5. It’s always best to show that you have been published, but if you have not, simply say, “This is my first submission.”