‘Film Daily’ and ‘Storybook Review’: Blog Tour
One interview, one flash essay
Is the media and Hollywood helping or hurting survivors of domestic violence? on Film Daily.
I’m thinking of the verbal abuse level by Ralph toward Alice on that massive hit for the times. Now considered a classic: ‘The Honeymooners’ Then there was the clenched his and his catchphrase: “Pow! Right in the kisser.” Hilarious. Yet the audience laughed!”
Leslie Storey at Storybook Reviews kindly had me post the flash essay, Coping: addiction & obsessive-compulsive behavior, depression & anxiety. It’s uplifting. Really! (This is me we’re talking about.)
In my experience, spirituality is a critical element when addressing the sequela of abuse. Certainly, we often need psychiatric medication. We definitely need therapy and support groups. However, that element that makes recovery last, Joy, traces directly to my spiritual growth.