Free promo tip: A reader asks: “My local independent bookstore is not enthused about my self-published book.”

Alle C. Hall
2 min readFeb 18, 2024

“Is there anything I can do?”

“My book is distributed through Ingram. I’d love to get it into bookstores, especially my local stores, but they’re positively unexcited. Is there something bold that I can do?”

Alle sez:

Do not do anything outside the box, such as sending a singing telegram or bringing donuts. They will most likely eat the donuts and might enjoy the show. (Then again, they might not.) The point is, they are a business. Their primarily interest is: Will our customers buy this book?

Keeping in mind that many neighborhood/independent bookstores don’t stock self-published books, you could create a graphically cool yet professional-looking bookstore approach packet.

  • If you can, poke around and find out which comp titles sold really well for them.
  • Call ahead to find out the name of the manager/book buyer and how they prefer sample books to come in. If they are okay with having you drop it off personally, do so when the manager is there.
  • Ask if they would like a free a copy of the book.
  • If they prefer that you send a PDF or e-book, perfect-o.
  • Volunteer to write a short piece for their website or newsletter. Find out the word length they prefer the due date the want and hand in that.



Alle C. Hall

Author, writing teacher, speaker. Novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back: 10 honors, including Amazon #1: Literary & Coming of Age