Small presses that are new to me.
Via Funds
Amble Press is actively seeking submissions in several popular genres: Contemporary General Fiction, Crime Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Action/Adventure, Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Cli-Fi/Spec, Fiction/Steampunk, Graphic Novels, Young Adult/New Adult, Romance, Narrative nonfiction, Memoirs/Biographies.
Heyday promotes civic engagement and social justice, celebrates nature’s beauty, supports California Indian cultural renewal, and explores the state’s rich history, culture, and influence. Heyday works to realize the California dream of equity and enfranchisement.
We prefer completed manuscripts with a target range of 40,000–70,000 words, and we’re currently working to build our lists in the following categories:
- Business — General (including Business Development, Business Leadership, Business Management)
- Business — Industries (including Security, Business Resiliency, Franchise, Restaurant & Food Industry)
- Hobbies & Home (including Crafts, Cooking, Pets & Animal Care)
- Parenting & Relationships
- Self-Help & Personal Growth
We are a regional publisher. We publish books about the Northeast. Submissions should reflect a New England sensibility and primarily be set in and tell stories about this region, as well as characterize the culture and people.
Monkfish publishes fiction and nonfiction books related to the subjects of spirituality and religion. If you would like your manuscript to be considered for publication, please send a completed book proposal (MS Word only; no PDFs) that includes a brief synopsis of the work, followed by a longer summary of the work, as well as a complete annotated table of contents, author bio including previously published works, author promotional plans, total projected word count, manuscript completion date, blurbs, comp titles published within the last five years, and sample chapters equaling no more than 25% of the whole.
We are currently accepting only the following genres: Women’s Fiction, Romance, Chick-Lit, Mystery (General, Police, Cozy), and Thriller-Suspense. We do not accept erotica, non-fiction, short story collections, or poetry. We do not accept previously published works, including self-published works. We do not accept mid-series books, only first books in a series. Minimum length is 50,000 words.
We’re looking for good books about good food. Books that inspire support for climate-friendly, agriculturally sustainable, and good-for-us eating. We tilt toward stories that feature solutions and problem-solvers. Our focus is on helping people make sounder choices around the way we grow, eat, and dispose of food. We are accepting books in the following categories: narrative nonfiction, memoirs, guidebooks, biographies, young adult fiction, and literary fiction. We will consider cookbooks as well.
We publish books in the following categories: Food & Wine, Art & Photography, Gardening & Pets, House & Home, Regional & Popular History, Literary fiction, Memoir, Narrative non-fiction, Literary anthologies. We are currently not accepting submissions for mystery novels. We only publish Canadian authors, with a strong preference for publishing authors who are from, and who write about topics pertinent to western Canada (includes BC, AB, SK, MB and the North).