Sunday Fun: a Frolic of a Questionnaire

Alle C. Hall
2 min readFeb 11, 2024

Feel free to play along in the comments — any of or all ten.

This graphic is deeply creepy.
  • Which do you enjoy more: reading or writing? Writing. Easier.
  • Do you like to write tucked away from distraction, or out and about? I like to write in dead silence; preferable from midnight to 8AM. The bad sleep is killing me, but I get soooooo much done.
  • Do you get in a zone when writing or are you easily distracted? I’m a zone-baby.
  • Do you like to use a little magic elixir(booze) to help the creative juices flow or anything else(music)? Tea-baby, here. Someone drinking from midnight to 8AM has some thinking to do …
  • How often do you write? Every day — and boy, do I feel my luck. Every day.
  • How many pages do you usually write per session or per hour? I don’t count — I can’t see this work as a race. It a practice.
  • Is what you wrote today ready for print? Today’s outreach writing was. Not the fiction.
  • Do you edit your own work? Certainly, but I do not only edit my own work. I have writer-buddies look at it for as many drafts as they have patiences for. Then I hire an editor. (Again, counting my blessings to be able to do so.)
  • Do you know where the commas go? Which style manual?
  • Is ten questions too many? Naw. I love when I am the center of the discussion. Not your introspective artist, here.



Alle C. Hall

Author, writing teacher, speaker. Novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back: 10 honors, including Amazon #1: Literary & Coming of Age