The COOLEST CLASS — Submitting Short Work: Toward a Book Deal

Alle C. Hall
Apr 18, 2024


Alle is teaching!

You want to write a novel or short story collection. You might have work ready to submit; maybe not. You may not have a query letter or a system for tracking submissions, Let’s create them in this six-week class offered at Seattle’s Richard Hugo House.

This is Hugo House!

In the first half of each session, you learn about the publishing industry; for the second half, we generate fiction.

Students will leave understanding traditional publishing, and with a solid draft of one piece, two query letters (one for agents, one for short work), and a system for tracking submissions.

You might know exactly the right person to take this class! Let them know!



Alle C. Hall

Author, writing teacher, speaker. Novel: As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back: 10 honors, including Amazon #1: Literary & Coming of Age