The first stop on Alle’s blog tour: Women on Writing.
Win a free copy of As Far as You Can Co Before You Have to Come Back.
Fill out the Rafflecopter form {BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE} by October 15th at 11:59 pm CT for a chance to win. We will randomly choose a winner the next day and announce in the Rafflecopter widget and follow up by email. Good luck!
What advice do you have for readers who are worried about the type of reception their writing will receive?
Alle: Time for some tough love! If you want to publish in an emotionally satisfying way, you are going to have to get over trying to control what other people think.
The first step is to be able to separate your concept of self from your writing.
Tomorrows blog-stop:
Felicia Guest Writes Join Felicia as she features an excerpt of As Far As You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back.